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PdC - Plataforma de Contratación
Ayuntamiento de Córdoba - Plataforma de Contratación

Contratación Pública

Prior Information Notice detail

Publication details

This information has been updated by: 2020-0000000014

Publication reference:  2020-0000000009

Publication date:  03/03/2020 at 09:05

Signed PDF: Signed PDF 2020-0000000009

Disabled Notice

A. Contract Object

Contracting authority: CECOSAM. Cementerios y Servicios Funerarios Municipales de Córdoba

Processing Province: CÓRDOBA

Contract type: Obras

Contract Name: Obras de construcción de un módulo de columbarios de cenizas en el Cementerio Municipal de Ntra. Sra. de la Fuensanta de Córdoba.

Execution Provinces: CÓRDOBA

File reference number: Expte. Nº 01/2020.-

B. Total budget amount (without IVA)

Budget amount: 36,901.44 €

C.Scheduled procedure start date

Date: 01/04/2020

D.Additional Informacion

Cecosam, S.A.
Ant. N. IV-Ctra. Madrid-Cádiz, km. 394
14014 Córdoba

Contact point:

For the attention of: Contratación Cecosam.

Telephone:  957322125 | Fax: 


Internet address:

Additional information: 

E. Contract Documents

E.1. Resolution and complementary documents

E.2. Documentation Relative to the Suspension

E.3. Documentation Relative to the Raising of the Suspension

F. Related publications

03/03/2020 09:05 - 2020-0000000009 - Anuncio previo  (Inactive)

18/03/2020 08:34 - 2020-0000000014 - Anuncio previo  (Suspend)  (Inactive)

16/06/2020 11:49 - 2020-0000000019 - Anuncio previo  (Resume)

16/06/2020 11:47 - 2020-0000000021 - Anuncio previo  (Resume)

Answers to applications for clarifications here

English Español

PdC - Plataforma de Contratación