Contract Notices Found:
286 (Showing page 12)
Contracting authority: Ayuntamiento de Córdoba
State: Finalizado plazo de presentación
Time limit of tender presentation: 18/11/2015 a las 14:00 horas
Total budget amount: 6.749.012,73 €
*Info of Additional Information
Contracting authority: Ayuntamiento de Córdoba
State: En trámite
Time limit of tender presentation: See details
Total budget amount: 87.452,10 €
*Info of Additional Information
*Contract divided in lots
Contracting authority: Ayuntamiento de Córdoba
State: En trámite
Time limit of tender presentation: See details
Total budget amount: 18.500,00 €
*Info of Additional Information
Contracting authority: Ayuntamiento de Córdoba
State: Finalizado plazo de presentación
Time limit of tender presentation: 20/11/2015 a las 14:00 horas
Total budget amount: 177.685,95 €
*Info of Additional Information
Contracting authority: IMDECO. Instituto Municipal de Deportes de Córdoba
State: Finalizado plazo de presentación
Time limit of tender presentation: 04/11/2015 a las 14:00 horas
Total budget amount: 21.190,00 €
*Info of Additional Information