Contract Award Notices found:
298 (Showing page 56)
Contracting authority: IMDECO. Instituto Municipal de Deportes de Córdoba
Date of contract award : 03/05/2010
Value of the contract: 359.578,80 €
Definitive award
Contracting authority: FEESL. Fondos estatales para el empleo y la sostenibilidad local
Date of contract award : 29/04/2010
Value of the contract: 122.790,07 €
Provisional award
Contracting authority: FEESL. Fondos estatales para el empleo y la sostenibilidad local
Date of contract award : 29/04/2010
Value of the contract: 54.653,19 €
Provisional award
Contracting authority: FEESL. Fondos estatales para el empleo y la sostenibilidad local
Date of contract award : 29/04/2010
Value of the contract: 122.790,07 €
Provisional award
Contracting authority: FEESL. Fondos estatales para el empleo y la sostenibilidad local
Date of contract award : 29/04/2010
Value of the contract: 80.178,44 €
Provisional award