Contract Award Notices found:
298 (Showing page 4)
Contracting authority: CECOSAM. Cementerios y Servicios Funerarios Municipales de Córdoba
Date of contract award : 01/01/2017
Value of the contract: 2.700,00 €
*Info of Correction
Contracting authority: SADECO. Saneamientos de Córdoba, S.A.
Date of contract award : 25/05/2016
Value of the contract: 833.984,09 €
Contracting authority: Ayuntamiento de Córdoba
Date of contract award : 08/04/2016
Value of the contract: 73.488,08 €
Contracting authority: SADECO. Saneamientos de Córdoba, S.A.
Date of contract award : 04/05/2016
Value of the contract: 257.570,00 €
Contracting authority: IMAE. Instituto Municipal de Artes Escénicas Gran Teatro de Córdoba
Date of contract award : 14/04/2016
Value of the contract: 71.960,00 €