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PdC - Plataforma de Contratación
Ayuntamiento de Córdoba - Plataforma de Contratación

Contratación Pública

Contract Award Notice Detail

Publication details

This information has been rectified by: 2013-0000000243

Publication reference: 2013-0000000241

Publication date: 11/10/2013 at 08:23

Signed PDF: Signed PDF 2013-0000000241

Disabled Notice

A. Contract Object

Contracting authority: SADECO. Saneamientos de Córdoba, S.A.

Processing Province:

Type of contract: Servicios

Contract name: Contratación del Servicio de Prevención Ajeno, especialidades preventivas de Vigilancia de la Salud y Ergonomía y Psicosociología Aplicada

Execution Provinces:

File reference number: C13/04

Division into lots:  No

B. Tendering proccess

Tendering process:  Abierto - Oferta económica más ventajosa

C. Total budget amount

Total amount: 72,000.00 €

Estimated amount:


D. Award of Contract

Date of contract award: 10/10/2013

Definitive award: No

NIF: B84527977


Contract value: 49,680.00 €


E. Terms of Contract Formalizations

F. Previous Publications

G. Contract Documents

G.1. Resolution and complementary documents

Clasificación y Requerimiento (97.54 Kb) download

G.2. Additional information

G.3. Documentation Relative to the Suspension

G.4. Documentation Relative to the Raising of the Suspension

H.Related publications

03/09/2013 10:20 - 2013-0000000208 - Convocatoria de licitación

» 11/10/2013 08:23 - 2013-0000000241 - Adjudicación provisional  (Inactive)

» 11/10/2013 10:37 - 2013-0000000243 - Adjudicación provisional  (Rectification)  (Inactive)

» 17/10/2013 08:28 - 2013-0000000245 - Adjudicación definitiva

Answers to applications for clarifications here

English Español

PdC - Plataforma de Contratación